I piled the colourful mix evenly into 4 lovely portobello mushrooms - they don't have to be from Portobello Road but it gives them a certain cache. Pop a crispy crumb topping onto each, sprinkle more cheese and a touch of paprika for colour. Bake in oven until they have collapsed juicily.
To serve, I chopped 2 tomatoes, another spring onion (not snogging anyone soon), fresh chives and basil. Mix a splash each of balsamic vinegar and olive oil, sea salt and fresh pepper and combine thoroughly. When you are ready to eat (ha!! NOW!) pour over the tomatoes and stir gently.
Once again the ghost of fishcake gorgeousness rose and we were left replete. This time, the weather gods were kind and let us take a stroll down to Canary Wharf and back, via Tescos and Limehouse Basin. I'm not sure what the miCoach trainer thought of this but I think she was happy as we avoided the biscuit, jelly babies and cheese aisles. *you are half way done with work- ... PUT THE PIE DOWN*
My flatmate also burnt of extra pie points (or cheesy triangles, pepper slices or whatever she is currently using) because of the amount of fruit juice we bought and she carried home. This four mile jaunt pushed her total mileage to about 10 and mine to about four yesterday. OK. Maybe five and a half as I walked to the tube and back.
I'm aiming for 3000 calories of exercise in a week, which is running 3 times and walking as much as possible and so far I've done 2059 this week. I swear that the Olympic month of running into work is going to turn me into a lean mean panting machine and that bloody Commercial Road is just going to kill me with boredom. Perhaps I shall run down by the river and dream of the fish cakes that are swimming freely...
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